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Trends: This is why Yagbonwura of Gonja Kingdom is trending on X

Yagbonwura is the overlord of the Gonja Kingdom

Ghanaians are having mixed reaction on X concerning the demeanour of the president at the palace of the Gonja overlord. A viral video which seems to have generated the mixed reaction has captured one of the president’s entourage who seems to have asked the overlord of the Gonja kingdom, the Yagbonwura to stand and greet the president when he entered the palace. The overload in a gesture of hands and a smiling face indicates that he was not going to do it while the president stood watching. The president was subsequently pushed gently from behind to go and greet the overload when the people in the palace were showing dissatisfaction about the present's posture.

This followed a very recent video where the president was seen angrily asking a chief during a public function to stand and greet him.

â–  In another news, HE John Dramani Mahama has cut sod for the construction of a new Palace for Gonja overlord Yagbonwura. Find attached pictures below...

Report: BBN_NEWS

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